Sunday, 21 February 2010

The decade of 2010 is the rise of the Mumtrepreneur

In the 70's we wanted it all, In the 80s Maggie said we could have it all, in the 90's we started to get it all, but the end of the 90's we had it all and were worn out. 2010 is a new decade. We can have it all - on our Terms.

I thought today I would take a step out from blogging about property and discuss a little about being a woman in Business. Maybe its all the Mothers Days ads I keep seeing!

I grew up a child in the seventies. Not many women worked and most mums stayed at home - in my class at school there were only a couple of working Mums. As a young girl I became very passionate about Women's Rights and was fascinated that it was only earlier in the century woman got the right to vote. Woman seemed to be endlessly trying to say they could be equal to men. In my influential years of the 80's I was awestruck by Mrs Thatcher. She was clearly "doing it for the girls" and the message became clear - if we as women want it - we can have it.

In my early adulthood in the early 90's women started to work more, the economy no longer was made up of a male workforce and rising prices and inflation meant that women needed to work. Headlines were constantly making us aware of the different pay scales and women had to fight hard. Towards the end of the 90's we had it all. We could be at par with a man in the boardroom and the bedroom, we could have our children, with the help of 8-6 daycare we could balance work and home and we could still be a wonderful wife whilst coping with all the family chores. We were exhausted.

In my opinion 2010 starts the rise of a new era. We will have it all, but on our Terms! Laws have changed meaning men can have paternity leave, we can share the early days of childcare and mother / fatherhood. We can take a career break wit no loss of earnings or status, and most workplaces combined with vast technological advancements means we can all work at home.

However, woman still want it all, and women realised that we want to enjoy watching our children grow up to. We don't really want to be the working Mum reliant on Au pairs and nannies. So many woman - and this number is growing in droves, are setting up on their own.

2010 is the rise of the Mumtrepreneur

Its happened to me - and I see it all around happening to a plethora of professional woman. I have blogged many times on "How we do business is changing" and how companies are closed, selective and controlling and how the rise of the entrepreneur is what will change third millennium business forever by going back to good basic principles of business which is doing business with people we know like and trust.

Women are terribly perceptive. We can see that people want to do business with people they have a relationship with, and women are some of the greatest net workers of all time. Look at the likes of Penny Power of Ecademy and the founders of the women's networking group Athena who are now starting to go worldwide such is its popularity.

With Mothers day just around the corner - I hereby raise a glass to all Mothers like me, who are successfully managing their own business, enjoying being an active part of their child's life and have a happy strong marriage and whom are living proof - we can have it all.

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