Landlords have previously been aware that they are required to have a Gas Safety Certificate provided by a CORGI registered Gas engineer. However the CORGI scheme ends on 31st march 2009 and is being replaced by Gas Safe.
The extracts of text below have been taken from the gas safe register website and will hopefully answer some of the questions Landlords will have about the new scheme. For full information Landlords should visit the Gas Safe Register directly. www.gassaferegister.co.uk
Why is CORGI gas registration in Great Britain ending?
The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) undertook a review of gas safety in 2006. This review concluded that there was a strong case for modernising the gas registration scheme to bring added benefits to gas consumers and gas engineers. The review called for a clearer focus on gas safety, and simple registration and competence requirements for gas engineers without compromising safety or service standards. It was an opportunity to build on the successes of the existing registration scheme, and at the same time introduce innovation and add value to gas consumer safety.
Are you a landlord or letting agent? Landlords are legally responsible for the safety of tenants. So, to make sure any property you own is safe, all appliances must have a safety check carried out every 12 months by a Gas Safe registered engineer. You must give your tenant a record of that safety check within 28 days or to a new tenant before they move in. Remember you must keep a record of each safety check for two years.
All existing gas safety records will be valid until their expiry date (even if that date is later than 1st April 2009). Any gas safety record given to you after 1st April 2009 will only be valid if the engineer is registered with Gas Safe Register.
Letting agents need to be sure of exactly who is managing the gas duties at all properties. If it’s contractually your responsibility, then the same conditions apply to you as that of the landlord.
Advice for Tenants
Are you living in a rented property? As a tenant, it is important to always check the ID of any gas engineer that comes to do work at your property. From 1 April 2009, the engineer must be a Gas Safe registered engineer.
It’s in your best interest to co-operate with the landlord whenever a gas safety check or maintenance needs to be carried out by letting the engineer in to do the work. And don’t forget to make sure your landlord supplies you with a copy of the safety check within 28 days of it being carried out or before you move in.
Remember, if you think a gas appliance is faulty turn it off and let your landlord know immediately.
If you need to check whether your Gas Engineer is registered with Gas Safe, you can check from the 1st April 2009 on the Gas Safe website or call them on 0800 408 5500.
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